Friday, May 19, 2006

Curiouser and curiouser!

Curiouser and curiouser! I believe Lewis Carroll's Alice said that and I couldn't put it better myself. Recently I found myself reporting for my dental appointment a few minutes ahead of schedule. I realize that makes this account suspicious because who in their right mind shows up early for the dentist. Nevertheless, forging ahead. The office was locked since the staff hadn't returned from their lunch hour yet. I retired to my car parked under a nice, cool, shady oak tree rather than wait in the hot sun on the porch. I relaxed which I seldom have time to do, content to wait in comfort. I heard a metallic click and looked around for the source. My driver-side door had locked. Strange I thought but didn't get upset. Perhaps I had inadvertently pressed on the lock button of the automatic devise attached to my key. I unlocked it with that same automatic devise and sat back again to rest and relax being careful of the placement of the automatic devise so that couldn't happen again. It did happen again almost immediately. This time I knew I hadn't pressed the lock button. I unlocked it again. I have a passion about not being controlled by machines. It happened again. Repetition with timing showed within less than a minute of my unlocking it would automatically relock. Panic time? Moi? No, no. Definitely nyet. I pondered this phenomenon. Was this some sort of safety feature in my automobile that I was unaware of? Perhaps a built-in system to automatically lock an idle car for safety. I was skeptical. I could think of situations where that could be disastrous and quite unsafe. Children in the back seat's car seat while the adult got out and went around to see about them. My mind was full of reasons this wouldn't be a good idea. I planned to sit down with my owner's manual and find out if there were such a stupid devise. But then the dentist's office opened and I went in for my appointment. The whole incident was forgotten. That's how paranoid I am. Just remembered it days later when I discovered my spare car key set missing. Hmmmmm. I'll worry about it sometime when I'm less harassed.

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