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Friday, December 16, 2016


The good old days photos and newspaper clippings brought back from my recent Savannah visit are still spread pell-mell on my dining table awaiting my sorting. Thanksgiving Day I and visiting family were entertained going through them so they have served some purpose. Since I’ve taken a closer look and found some items might be more interesting as examples of the so-called GOOD old days in light of the continuing world disasters we’ve since come to accept on an almost daily basis… or perhaps it is just my passion for history.
Going through copies of old G Southern U newspapers from when I attended, there were whole editions I’d put away to later clip and save. One such was a 1955 front page headline “’Dear Brutus’ cast set For Spring Production” (Don’t ask me what the choice of Capitol letters indicates since I haven’t a clue.) I was in that play so I clipped and read it. An early paragraph caught my attention and brought a flood of memories that spanned several decades: “Darwin Humphrey, freshman, Vidalia, has been chosen to portray Mr. Dearth,’ a good man who has gone wrong, and in his heart despises himself for it’.” The last paragraph deals with yours truly thusly: “In the role of Mrs. Purdie will be Nan Waters, senior Savannah. Mrs. Purdie is: ‘a simple young wife, wistful, who knows her husband is fond of Joanna’.” The only thing I remember about that play was being criticized in my portrayal for what I thought was showing simple and wistful facial expressions as I stood behind a tree spying on them.
Fast forward to the 80s when I was listening to my car radio and a rather well known Georgia humorist, Lou Grizzard, was doing a bit. I was shocked to hear him remark that another award winning journalist Georgian, Darwin Humphrey had several years before (1978) been murdered in the Jonestown, Guyana masacre. That was the first I’d heard of whatever became of my long ago stage buddy. How could I have missed that fact as closely and vividly as TV coverage was of that horror show when over 900 members of Jim Jones ‘s Peoples Temple commune were also killed?!
Simple! His professional name, used for years while covering the Viet Nam War including the fall of Saigon and as NBC newsman who won four Emmys and DuPont/Columbia Award, was not Darwin Humphrey but Don Harris.

Sadly, some good old days were not so good after all.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

"I GOT CULTURE" part 2

She then showed up, apparently thinking that waiting "someplace in the general area of" was the same as waiting "at Frogmore". The remainder of my vacation was a complete hassle after she insisted on taking charge. They treated me to "breakfast" at a nearby strip mall... a far cry from a leisurely and scenic brunch on Beaufort Bay. As I gulped down my so-so she crab soup, Madame Art Association informed me she'd arranged for cocktails on an acquaintance’s boat for our afternoon... Oh and BTW invited them to my dinner I had arranged for the evening (and foolishly invited Mme AA and hubby to, sight unseen, as a thank you for her kindness to my college mate). I only glared at her news of the latter and informed her I wouldn't be able to attend her impromptu nautical cocktail party.

Went on to Fripp to check in and enjoy. Took a while for the salty marsh fluff air, gently lapping Low Country water below my balcony, etc. to relax me after exposure to such strange manners. Put it out of mind and telephoned old friends from high school and arranged to ride in with one for my dinner party. Briefly apologized to said high school friend as we rode to dinner saying I'd never been exposed to some we were to dine with as they were the type who thought it was acceptable behavior to invite other strangers to attend a dinner party as long as you'd been invited so could make no promises about the company we'd be keeping. "Just roll with any punches, please."

After dinner Mme AA's behavior remained consistent. She and hubby with College mate in tow followed us to my friend's home afterward and came in. Mme AA arranged a full day for the next but was politely told by my high school friend she had other plans already. Mme AA undauntedly rushed on to say since she'd be riding home with me and my College mate, we could meet here first thing on our departure date for a coffee since we all knew where it was and I didn't know where their vacation trailer was!

Gladly took off for Fripp and bed after such as miserable experience, hoping I'd seen the last of the woman. Not to be so but I was civil, .. barely. She managed to insert herself into the driver's seat of my car in the later and final episode so it was with great pleasure that I called her at 5 AM (YES, I'M AWARE THE CORRECT TIME FOR CALLING CIVILIZED PEOPLE IS 9 AM TO 9 PM)  on the last day of  MY VACATION and when it went to machine announced I'd be going to the nearest car dealership to repair an under drag problem before returning home so she and College mate could ride home with hubby and the dogs in their pick up.

That woman badly needs an I GOT CULTURE lapel pin and if Gov. Deal thinks we can't afford to have an Arts Comm. at least require these regional volunteers to take a basic etiquette course particularly if they're from out of state.